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Wagon rides available Saturdays & Sundays and the week of March Break from 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.
Sugar Bush Tour:
The tours begin with a wagon ride to the Sugar Bush. In the woodlot portion of the tour you will learn how to collect sap from the maple trees using buckets and pipeline. Your will learn the history of making maple syrup. Such as the way the Native Canadians made syrup, Pioneer methods, and the modern way. The tour will educate you on the weather requirements to make sap run and why it is the maple tree that produces this amazing product. As the group follows along the walking trail we will talk about woodlot management, types of trees, and the effects weather and insects have on the trees.
On returning to the front of the farm, the tour will proceed to the Sugar House. This is where the sap is processed into maple syrup. A description of the wood fired evaporator, and the drawing off of the finished product, filtration, bottling and labeling, ready for the consumer.